Digital PR Services for Awareness and Backlinks

Digital PR is the only way to get legitimate backlinks on massive news sites like PCMag, TechCrunch, and Business Insider. Our team has mastered this craft.

Let's talk

Check out some of the placements we’ve gotten for our clients.

Digital PR Services – How it works

Step 1: Story ideation

During the first call, we dissect information about you and your business that we can use to choose tangential story ideas that will appeal to journalists during the course of our engagement.

After learning about you and your business, we look at what kinds of stories are being told on the outlets we’re after that tangentially relate to your business.

Once we know about you and about what journalists in the niche we’re after want to write about, we research and build a story idea that our content team will assemble into something we can pitch.

Step 2: Build supporting content

Once we’ve decided on a story angle, we build out the supporting content. This is usually a data-driven piece that’s built to attract the attention of mainstream media readers.

With the supporting content, we build a sharable visual asset (usually an infographic) that makes it very easy for journalists to republish the content for their audience with a unique angle.

When we finish the content, we should have something that provides real value to journalists and has data-driven potential to generate attention and shares that result in social media referral traffic.

Step 3: Pitch the content

During the pitch stage of the process, we build an outreach campaign and start pitching the content to them.

From there, we continue to manage responses that come in. Even weeks later.

When responses come in, we do whatever it takes to land a placement. Sometimes, journalists ask for supporting content. This is also included as part of the package.

Digital PR Pricing




  • 1-6 story launches per quarter.
  • Estimated 20-35 placements per quarter.
  • Customized audience research, PR research, and campaign development.
  • End-of-month reports.
  • Dedicated Account Strategist.
Lets talk




  • 1-3 story launches per quarter.
  • Estimated 10-20 placements per quarter.
  • Customized audience research, PR research, and campaign development.
  • End-of-month reports.
  • Dedicated Account Strategist.
Lets talk




  • 1-3 story launches per quarter.
  • Estimated 5-10 placements per quarter.
  • Customized audience research, PR research, and campaign development.
  • End-of-month reports.
  • Dedicated Account Strategist.
Lets talk


How many placements will I get?

Our typical success rate with PR outreach is around 1-3% for a first run with a client. More high performing campaigns land around the 5% mark. This is usually the case on our second or third run with a client since we have data from the first campaign to help us improve future success rates.

Overall, you can expect us to earn 5-10 placements from each campaign after 90 days.

However, these may come months later as larger sites often have their content scheduled out well in advance. So be prepared for long turnaround times.

How does this help my SEO?

Google’s algorithm uses backlinks as a ranking factor to help determine how high certain pages rank for certain keywords.

For search engine optimization (SEO), you usually want to get high-quality backlinks directly to the pages you’re trying to rank (which is accomplished via standard link building outreach services).

By contrast, digital PR gives you a way to get domain-wide authority by securing link placements from massive news sites with the help of effective content creation.

These links, while mostly to your homepage or the page hosting the story assets, work to improve your site-wide domain authority.

This helps all of your pages move up in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for their respective keywords.

Can I pitch something I already have?

Not for this campaign. This is designed to be a full-service digital PR strategy that we can continue to run for you each month.

If you want to promote content you’ve already created, consider outsourcing your link building as an alternative to digital PR.

When can I expect results from digital PR?

If you’re brand new to digital PR, expect it to take 3-4 months or longer before you see any placements.

It is possible to get placements sooner, but it’s not a good idea to set expectations that way because there are variables about your business that are a factor.

For example, a journalist may look at your website, not like how it looks, and bounce.

Or, while the story would have worked last month, they aren’t into it this month.

We work with people here, and it’s important to remember that. While we do what we can on the first story to get it right, it’s often the second and third stories that pick up the majority of client placements because we learn and gather information from the first one.